Has been an attorney at one of the most renowned legal firms in Panama; in 1995, he was a founder and since that time has been a partner of the firm Sucre, Briceño & Co. Furthermore, he is the Honorary Consul of New Zealand in Panama. He has worked in the Panamanian public sector twice, 1991 and 1999, in the post of Director of Legal Consultancy of the Ministry of Government and Justice. In the year 2001, he was appointed as Vice Minister in Charge of the Ministry of Government and Justice. In 2002, the Executive Branch declared him qualified to occupy the post of Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice. He is a Permanent Observer of the Group of 100 of the Center for Innovation, Development and Legal Research (Centro de Innovación, Desarrollo e Investigación Jurídica,) sponsored by the Spanish company Garrigues and by the Technological Institute of Monterrey. Additionally, Mr. Sucre has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Group Rapi Préstamos, S.A. and of Mi Banco, S.A. BMF since 2005 and was appointed as President of said institution from 2008 until 2011. Furthermore, he is a member of the Board of Directors of GS Relocation Panamá, S.A., Canal Bank, Ventce, S.A. and Central Fiduciaria, S.A. His extensive practice and experience in the areas of Corporate and Financial Law is well known by his peers. He has been recognized by the prestigious publication Chambers & Partners as a leading attorney in Banking and Financial Law. Languages: Spanish and English.