Only a transparent
company is
a responsible company.
Since its foundation, Aramis Gestión, Inc. was established with the firm intention of adopting investment principles that are coherent with a responsible management. We are particularly committed to actions regarding good management, as well as with the integration in our investment practices with relevant aspects that take into account both environmental as well as social aspects.
Good Management: At the time of establishing investments, we believe in companies that have established ethical conduct guidelines in their corporate management. As an independent and transparent entity, it is important for us to eliminate or reduce possible conflicts of interest as they refer to the assets in which we invest, as well as uphold those values that influence a responsible development.
Environment: We are especially interested in all assets, be them companies or real estate, which have reliably shown tackling environmental challenges. We are interested in the environmental impact; many aspects weigh into our decisions, such as the areas of emission reduction, pollution or the optimum treatment of waste.
Society & Responsibility: In our decision-making process, we exclude values that have been proven to carry controversial activities with them. We stand firm on matters of corporate social responsibility (“responsabilidad social empresarial – RSE”). Our assets take into account aspects regarding the promotion of security (safety,) health or diversity.